Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2

We provide Oracle administration support on GNU Linux Servers. One of our customers had us set up a new Oracle XE server for them on CentOS. We set up everything and had the system up and running fine. We had also tested everything on the server and verified connection status from clients. Two days after installation we got a call from the customer that he could not open the Oracle XE web administration interface and he was getting an access denied, page not found error on

It may or may not be a database issue, well without debugging you cannot actually say, sometimes it may be a database issue because of some patches etc., well you need to debug how that scenario occurs, even if you raise a TAR with oracle too, they will also ask you the same questions.!! I am a new one who started to use Oracle Database and faced the problem during installation the last verstion of Oracle XE 11g x64 to the Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Enterprise.

We promptly looked into the issue and checked for any mistakes in configuration or the setup. We scourged the oracle technology forums for an answer to this problem. There were a few solutions that were mentioned on the site. We tried all of them that we found on OTN but could not figure out the problem. The oracle service was running fine but we could not connect to it through the web admin interface.
Opened.errorSome of the solutions mentioned on the site included
a) Reinstalling Oracle XE - we did not want to go this way as we would not learn anything by doing this
b) Reloading settings by running /etc/init.d/oracle-xe force-reload. We did this but didn't change anything
c) We tried the

Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2 1

exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8080) strategy but it was throwing errors.Release
On checking lsnrctl status we were getting the following errors
We figured that the the listener was not able to start and bind to the port and had something to do with network settings. We checked out /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and checked with the local ip. What had happened was that the local static IP was changed manually after the Oracle XE installation but the hosts file did not reflect this change. We corrected this error and did a /etc/init.d/oracle-xe force-reload and presto everything was working.
We were no longer getting the 'Could not connect to http://localhost:8080/apex, Page not found' error anymore. We verified that the listeners were running by running lsnrctl statusKey which gave us the correct response which should look like below

Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2 Free

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Key Software Oracle Olr Cannot Be Opened.error 2013

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Listener suddenly looses connection to database reporting ORA-12518

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